
This morning at 6:30am, I received a text from a daycare mom saying she would be here ‘soon’. I normally welcome her offspring in the 8:30am range so this was definitely early. When she arrived, a few minutes later, she also brought 4 trash bags (not lawn and leaf, but 13 gallon kitchen, for sure) full of toys she had sorted through at her home and decided I could use at mine. About 6 months ago, she asked if she could bring me some toys…but after 6 months, I thought she forgot. Go figure. The toys are nice, and the kids will be excited.

Also this week, I am pleased to welcome Carrie to my state and my home, bringing with her her four fairy-like daughters. They were very excited to see the toys.

So now, in my living room, at 7:30 am, are 4 of my kids, 4 of sis’s kids, and 4 daycare friends. That’s a lot of kids for 7:30am…

All of them are happily playing with the toys, laughing and talking. Carrie and I are trying to dress 7 of these people. They are resisting:)

At 8:30am, 3 kids have been sent to school, my last child is dressed and Carrie’s girls look like tiny pink treats. Her baby has an eye patch, and you never saw a cuter thing. Seriously. It’s all I can do to not scoop up that baby and kiss her face off!:)

It’s 8:35am now, and 2 more daycare friends have arrived. Blair has promised to put the swings on the swingset (we’ve been waiting for the concrete anchors to cure) and our plan is to unleash the herd (gaggle? menagerie? flock?) on our very roomy backyard as soon as the sun comes out. And it better.

Updates as things develop…

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1 Response to Melee

  1. Melody says:

    That *sounds* like a busy day! Hope it was great!

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