I RollerSkated!

On Saturday, two of my kids were invited to a birthday party given by the mom of one my daycare babies..not so much a baby these days, she’s just turned 8! The party was hosted at a neighborhood skating rink, which I have personally never set foot in. I have been in the parking lot a number of times, either dropping kids off, or picking them up…never actually been in the place. But this Saturday was going to be different. My daughter Jessica is not exactly the Dorothy Hamill (too old a reference?:)) of roller skating. She’s more like the ‘knees-glued-together-legs-stiff-as-a-board-eyes-wide-in-terror’ kind of skater. I don’t know why she keeps going to these parties. She always falls down and comes home with bruises. But the next time one of her friends has a skating party, there she is, present in hand, determined to strap wheels to her feet and give it another go.

I asked her, “Why in the heck are you doing this to yourself?” She answered, “I can’t be afraid of this. I’m determined to learn how to skate or die trying.” She’s 12, by the way, and she sounds like me. When I was 15, I joined the school’s swim team even though I couldn’t swim.  I danced a solo in our school’s talent program, even thought I grew up terrified of public displays, and with only 1 semester of high school dance under my belt. I learned how to ride a bike at 16 because my friend Leslie got one for Christmas. I had never ridden a bike successfully (gone an inch without falling off) but was suddenly determined to learn.

I was however, back in the 80’s, a good rollerskater. Got my first pair from my parents when I was 5. They were those old, metal, strap to your shoe operations (see right) At 8, I graduated to the white boot kind, and at 12, was lucky enough to find these at our local thrift store. I was thrilled to pieces and feeling very cool in my ‘new’ skates. My friend and I used to skate around and around her patio to this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr6WidQqhu4. Seriously. Watch it. You will learn so much about what kind of child I was:)  Anyway, with this history behind me, I went to this skating party. To support Jessica and conquering fears. And to relive some childhood memories. And to prove to myself that I’m not afraid and that maybe I still have some cool-ness in me.

I don’t.

Jessica and I went down (on our butts) about halfway through the party, and I am still sore today:) Ah well, I did it. And I’m not afraid to admit it.

Go do something you’re afraid to do. Don’t be afraid. Don’t live your life so that fear runs you. Unless death is the worst thing that can happen, go do. Be fearless.:) And don’t leave the background music out!:)

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1 Response to I RollerSkated!

  1. Melody says:

    I loved Xanadu! And I had a pair of tennis shoes that looked just like that pair of skates! Ahhh the memories! 🙂

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