Allergies vs. Sick kiddos

This post was going to be about sick kids.  Nothing makes you feel more powerless than having sick children. Mine have been taking turns having a cold.  Not just your average run of the mill cold, but one with sinus congestion, headache and lethargy–the kind of cold that makes you miserable.  As the mama, I want to be able to make them feel better, but I also know that a cold is just a cold.  They will feel terrible for a a couple of days and then recover.  I generally do not hand out cold medicine, it doesn’t seem to help that much anyway.

So on Friday, Spring break started.  All of my kids were home, and two were recovering from this cold.  I was planning on posting with some whining about having sick children.  Then a friend of mine called.  Could her four come join mine at my house instead? (My 13 was supposed to babysit hers at her house)  No problem I say.  I love said children and have known them for many years.  I love their mama and never mind having her kiddos at my house.  They are cute and fun and I like them alot.  Now that being said two of her boys have serious allergies.  And I have successfully kept them alive with no allergic reactions from peanut butter, milk or eggs.  Or dogs or dust or anything.  I keep Bendadryl on hand and have an Epi-pen for here just for them.  But I have never had to use any of these things.

Well Friday they are here playing.  Mr. 3 is allergic to peanut butter and everyone in my house knows this.  They know where the epi-pen is and know not to give him peanut butter or pretty much any food without reading the label.  Just imagine my shock surprise and horror when every child in the house comes thundering up to my room, (where I was happily cleaning my bathroom) yelling that Mr. 3 ATE PEANUT BUTTER.  My 13 has the epi-pen in hand and is ready to stab his leg.  As I started breathing again I grab Mr. 3 and look at him.  I ask him did you eat peanut butter.  He says No, of course not, peanut butter will make me very sick.  I don’t eat peanut butter.   I look at him, there is a tiny dot of something brown on his cheek.  I wipe it off it could have been peanut butter, but maybe not.   All of the children except Mr. 3 are telling me he ate part of a peanut butter sandwich.  Mr. 3 is adamant he did not.  I look in his mouth and smell his peanut butter.  I ask all children  Did you SEE him actually EAT peanut butter?   Well no, he was holding my mr. 7’s sandwich.  He was by the peanut butter.  But NO, NO ONE SAW HIM EAT ANYTHING.  I take a deep breath.  I am staring at Mr. 3 who keeps saying I did not eat peanut butter, why are you staring at me.  And Can I have please have some cheese balls?

At this point I am fairly confident that Mr. 3 did NOT eat peanut butter.  All of this has happened in less than five minutes, and MR. 3 is not showing any signs of an allerigc reaction.  I call his mama who says if he starts acting weird or anything give him the Benadryl and call her back.  Mr.  3 and I sit at the table and chat while sharing a cheese ball snack.  He pats me on the leg and says don’t worry Miss Lynn, cheese balls don’t have peanut butter.

I finish the snack, wash up Mr. 3 and go sit down for  a while.  Turns out allergies top sick kids.

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3 Responses to Allergies vs. Sick kiddos

  1. Melody says:

    I’m glad everything turned out okay in the end!

  2. Kira says:

    Found your website through Delicious. You know I will be subscribing to your rss.

  3. Sherice says:

    He is a chip off the old block.

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