Random Crap-ola

So, I just have some stuff on my mind today.

One is, we are on month 2 of the jobless thing, and while I know people have been jobless longer than us, this is, I think, the longest we have ever been jobless.  Well, that’s a fib, only one of us is jobless. The other one of us has a very big job chasing gaggles of children (gaggles, herds, throngs, flocks…it’s all the same, it means ‘Too Many To Count) Another fib. There are not Too Many To Count. There are 8, which is exactly what I’m licensed for and I do a very good job keeping them all alive and happy.

Blair is jobless. AH! There I go again….fibbing! He doesn’t have the kind of job where you get in the car and go somewhere and they pay you in American dollars (which are the only kind they take around here) to do stuff. I don’t know what kind of stuff…i’m here..feeding hordes, er *8*, children. He’s actually been very busy here. He’s completely taken over the laundry (a fib, yet again, he refuses to fold. He washes and dries only) he does the dishes everyday. In fact, it’s so cute! Every night, about 5pm, this old show, The Rockford files (stars James Garner, Blair’s second favorite guy behind John Wayne). Then, every morning about 9am, Blair watches Rockford files while doing the dishes:)

He’s also building a playhouse! In the backyard, for the kids. I’m taking pictures of this event to post at a later date.

Ok, so I have one more thing, and that is about positive thinking. I know that lots of people believe it and lots don’t. I’ve always been optimistic, but not an overly positive thinker. (For about 2 years…between 2003-2005, I used to call up friends and ask them if they would check for a black cloud over my house)  Here’s the thing. Life brings you what you expect it to bring you. Life sucks? Yes it does. Life is an adventure. Why yes, it is! Nothing good ever happens to you? No, I guess it doesn’t. What I’m saying is, expect excellence! You have so much! Expect fabulous! Welcome wonderful! How long do you think this life is, anyway? Are you seriously planning to waste it whining? So what if you wear ‘rose-colored glasses’? People who wear them see roses.

See Roses today. (When you get to this page, click anywhere on the black space…try a click and drag…trust me)

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