Weekend O Fun

I have seriously sat down at least 10 times today to write this. Daycare is not the relaxing, play-all-day job it’s made out to be. I’m just saying.

So, my weekend. Which, incidentally, was kid-free:

On Saturday, we drove to a town about 4 1/2 hours away to see our niece get married. We deposited the non-wedding appreciators at a local non-attending relative’s house.

‘WE’ included myself, Blair, and our 3 daughters, aged 18, 15, and 13.

We drove without incident, accident, crying, pants wetting, diaper changing, or barfing all the way! We had actual conversations that did not include this gem from our last trip:

kid: MOM! (our van is loud, you have to yell to be heard from the back)

me: la la la…hmmmm hmmmmm dum dee dum (I can’t hear them)

kid: MOM! MOM MOM MOM!!!!!

me, turning to face rear of van: Did you guys say something?

kid: I THREW UP!!!

me, to Blair: Kid threw up.

Blair: on the seat?

me to back of van: ON THE SEAT?

kid: NO! ON MY COAT!

me to Blair: No, on his coat.

Blair: Thank heaven it wasn’t on the seat. Can he make it to XYZ city?

me; How far is that?

Blair, suddenly downwind of the barf, smell-wise: I’m pulling over!

me to rear of van: DAD IS STOPPING!

Rachel: Can I have gum?

So this trip was different. Girls talked to each other, ate snacks and did not throw up. Blair and I listened to music, talked, and had a nice drive.

The wedding was nice. At the end, none of us looked like we’d been drug through a knot hole backwards. This is because none of us chased active boys, got slimed by Tim, wet on by Nick, or spilled on by Dan. No one was embarassed by Nick’s sudden and unexplainable nudity, or Tim’s sudden and unexplained grabbing of the wedding cake.

Because, ha ha ha! They weren’t THERE:)

Not that I didn’t miss them…well, ok, I didn’t. I did worry about Tim a teensy bit. And I hoped that when Nick had an accident, that it wasn’t on something my sis-in-law loves and that she will still speak to me after this day.

She says it went fine, and has spoken to me since. A good sign:)

On Sunday, we had 50 people over to our house for a small get together, but that’s another post.

Meanwhile, I am looking forward to my birthday in April, when I am planning to flee with Blair to another city, without MY CHILDREN in it.




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1 Response to Weekend O Fun

  1. Melody says:

    So glad that all went well!

    Wow! Has it been almost a year since your Barry Manilow mania?

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