The big trade off

This last week was ‘the big trade off’.  Maren and I decided to trade my Miss 16 for her Mr. 10.  We talked about this  way back at Thanksgiving time and so this summer, it was time.  We would each drive halfway, about four hours to meet in middle.   My sister scouted out a park and we arranged to meet.

Miss 16 was super excited.  She would be getting to spend time with girls! (She is our only girl–with three younger brothers)  In exchange Maren’s Mr. 10 would come to stay at our house and be surrounded by boys who would enjoy doing boy things with him.

We woke up early Saturday morning and hit the road.  I was armed with snacks, gps, and the address of the park where we would meet.  We drove over the mountains that still have snow on them even though it is July!  We were a little concerned we might get stuck in traffic through the canyon.  The day before traffic through the canyon had been down to one lane due to the river being super high.  Luckily we sailed right through with no problem.  We actually didn’t stop the whole way–no bathroom breaks or anything!

The drive gave my Miss 16 and I a chance to talk.   It was just her and I, and Mr. 8.  Mr. 8 slept most of the way.  That is always nice.  I love to talk to her and see what is going on in her head.

We met at the park and my kids flew out of the car.  We all sat down and ate lunch.  The kids played on the playground.  We did not give the homeless guy money to go to the liquor store.  We stayed at the park talking and visiting for about an hour.

I hugged my Miss 16,told her I loved her, and tried not to well up.  I loaded the boys into the car.  Then we headed home.  I was a little worried about the drive home and how the boys would do.  They did great and so did I.  I kept myself awake by singing songs to myself.

Now Mr. 10 is here and the boys are having the time of their lives.  The boys have been playing video games and watching action movies.  They have been playing outside and running amuck till all hours.  He has done great.  He did get a little teary yesterday morning–but overall he has been awesome.

Miss 16 is thrilled to be surrounded by girls.  They are going to the mall and watching chick flicks.  I am sure they are also staying up way too late.  I am missing my girl (and her helpfulness).

Now the only thing we have to decide is when to trade back!


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1 Response to The big trade off

  1. Melody says:

    What a great summer for those kids!

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