D.D.D.! (Dirty Diaper Dilemma)

You would think that after having a baby every two years for eight years, I would be past surprises and ready for everything.  If only. 

Prepare yourselves.  This is a diaper changing story.

Yesterday morning after seeing that the little girls and I were all settled in and had everything we would need for awhile, my parents decided it was safe to leave us and head off to the store.

Everything was going along fine until I heard that familiar little newborn squirt noise.  Time for a diaper change.  No problem for this veteran mom.  I called to Miss 6 to bring me a diaper and a wipe from the bedroom.  Miss 4 and Miss 2 gathered around curiously.  Miss 8 was reading a book in the chair across the room. 

Knowing how tricky little babies can be, I always slide a new little diaper under the old one, to prevent any messes.  (This works pretty well, since I have girls and usually don’t have to worry about getting squirted in the face.)  I was right in the middle of sliding the messy diaper out when Tiny Baby decided she needed to go again.  Without warning yellow baby poo shot out and sprayed everywhere! 

I yelled in surprise and scared Miss 2 who immediately started to stamp her feet and cry.  Miss 4 jumped to her feet and started yelling, “why did she do that?  why did she do that?”  I started calling to Miss 6 and Miss 8, “More wipes quick!  More wipes, quick!”  They both started running around in a frenzy apparently forgetting the meaning of the word and the whereabouts of the wipes.

The front of the chair, the floor, and my hands were covered in yellow baby poo and my calm veteran mom-ness was out the window. It was general panic!

After a few seconds I came to myself, started comforting Miss 2 and directing Miss 6 and Miss 8 into more constructive and helpful behavior.  Miss 4 moved on from asking “why did she do that?”  to comments on the grossness of her new baby sister.  Pretty soon everything was cleaned up, everyone was comforted and Tiny Baby was peacefully back asleep. 

This morning at Tiny Baby’s appointment the doctor asked me if I had any words of wisdom.  Come to think of it I do.  Keep the diaper wipes right by you, don’t think you know everything your baby is capable of, and be ready for anything!

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2 Responses to D.D.D.! (Dirty Diaper Dilemma)

  1. Melody says:

    Matt used to squirt poo like that too. So gross! So sorry!

  2. Jillian says:

    I laughed uncontrollably imagining this. hee hee. I can’t wait to come see her in person! (However, I WILL NOT change her diaper.)

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