Last week of school

Okay people, this is the push to the end.  Strangely, I am not referring to the end of pregnancy, even though I only have TWO MORE WEEKS.  No, I will be using every last remaining shred of energy to get through the last week of school.

The last week of school doesn’t sound like a phrase to be feared.  It sounds nice.  It sounds like the beginning of a carpool free summer.  It is sooooo not what is sounds like.  I will be earning my carpool free summer.  For the last week of school, the powers that be decided afternoon kindergarten would be switched to morning.  G-R-E-A-T.  We’ve got to get up and get moving, and we’re not entirely used to that around here!  Not to mention, we’ve got field trips and awards ceremonies and field days and eye doctor appointments and last-week-of-pregnancy appointments to get to!  (and all of these awards ceremonies and field days and such are at two different schools that are NOT anywhere near each other!)  Plus the usual carpooling, shopping trips, dance classes, and general life.  whew!

What is that fabulous Jillian Michaels quote?  “Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going!”  I think it applies.

****By the way, don’t forget, if you’ve been reading our blog, you definitely want to become a follower this week!  And make sure to comment on Wednesday because you may just be the lucky one who wins our first ever– GIVEAWAY!  More details to come on WEDNESDAY  :)*****

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2 Responses to Last week of school

  1. Jillian says:

    Oh my. But, can I say one really funny thing? On your side bar, where there is the awesome Barry joke “Don’t be a fan, be a Liker.” I totally thought it said “Be a LUKER.” And I started to wonder if you were recruiting new family members. ha ha. Sorry, pregnancy brain at work!!

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