It was a dark and stormy night…

So, as many of you know, I have been writing.  I’ve actually been writing for years, but I’ve only recently come out of the writing closet. Oh? You didn’t know there was a closet for writers? Well, my friend, there is a closet for everything. You never know when someone will come popping out of their closet and exclaim, “I love Jersey Shore and I don’t care who knows it!” (ok, maybe that person should stay in the closet) It may not go well at first, but if your closet is feeling cramped, you know, psychologically speaking, you’d best just hop on out. Leave the skeletons, and come out smiling and waving!

Ugh, you are thinking, will she EVER come to the point?

Maybe, if she can remember what the point was….hmmm…the point…(fingernails tapping….) oh yes! Writing! I have written several children’s books and am halfway through a humorous-anecdotal-life-experiences-being-me book, which is freaking funny, if i do say so myself. I’ve even begun to send my stuff to agents! And publishers!

As an up and coming writer, I have discovered an online writing community and have begun to ‘follow’ several writing blogs, tweeters, and websites.  This makes me feel more like a serious writer and less like a chubby housewife doing daycare pretending to be a famous funny writer. Very useful and very validating.

One thing the site offers, is a writing ‘prompt’ I generally ignore, fiction not being my strong suit, which sounds ridiculous, but truthfully, I have no imagination.  This one, however, intrigued me, and I couldn’t pass it up:

You and a friend break into your neighborhood swim club late one night to go for an after-hours dip. While splashing around in the pool, you go into shock when a dead body floats to the top. Worse yet—it’s someone you know. Write this scene.

Somehow this struck me as funny. It’s just so cheesy! What I am looking for here is the next sentence. Write your sentence as a comment, and then make sure you are ‘following’ me (look to the right, at the bottom of this page, there is a Google Friend Follower thingy). I will then write down your name, and put it into a receptacle of some sort and then! THEN,  on Thursday, I will draw a name out!


And THEN, on Friday, I will announce a Winner and I will give the person whose name I drew out of the as yet un-picked-out receptacle and give that person a $25 Visa gift card AND their choice of the SahmSisters $35  or $25 bags. (check the **buy our stuff** page to see the choices)

I can’t wait to hear from you…especially one of you…who shall remain nameless, but there is currently a hot guy painting your trim…

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41 Responses to It was a dark and stormy night…

  1. Ok…so my first thought was of that unnamed person who’s having her trim painted too.
    Why is that body naked? Someone needs to put his swim trunks back on. Gross!

  2. Anna Powell says:

    I just have to say I love reading your blogs, they are so funny!!! Thanks for the laugh!

    “I told you we shouldn’t have come, something like this always happens to me!”

    • Maren says:

      Awesome Anna!:) (if something like this even happened to me ONCE, my swimming days would SO be over!:))

  3. Debbie Gurtler says:

    Hey isn’t that Barry Manilow? I wonder if he was offed by some of his Las Vegas concert goers!

  4. Trisha Troyer says:

    So….um, I’m done swimming…you?

  5. It was the thong that got me – not the fact that it was William Shatner, nor the fact that he was in MY club’s pool, nor the fact that he was DEAD (well, okay, that got me a LITTLE)…but it was the THONG he was wearing – that was just WRONG on so many levels!

  6. Loretta Park says:

    The mayor floated upside down, still dressed in a tuxedo. My first thought was to call 911, but then, again, as a reporter, how do I explain my reason for being in the pool, especially since I’ve been investigating the mayor.
    But call 911, I did, once I got out of the pool and after I called my editor and asked for a photographer.

  7. Leah Crist says:

    Let’s get out of here, this place can’t even afford live security!

  8. Kori says:

    Oh crap, he owes me money!

  9. lymalu73 says:

    Is that Johnny……who is going to tell Nedra?

  10. Kirstine says:

    I presented the senario at dinner and got several responses. Just remember that all my older girls are at camp this week, so a lot of the responses are from BOYS.

    “Ooohh! Body! Let’s see what we remember from anatomy”

    “If you scalp him right you can have a wig.”

    “Hey gross, it’s true! They do lose everything when they die.”

    “Oh look! Fresh meat! Looks like it is time for a BBQ.”

    “Dude, I told you not to hide the body in the pool.”

    “See, Land Sharks do drown.”

    “Haha! And you have to clean the pool in the morning.”

    “Betty White?”

    “Look, it’s Mob Girlfriend Barbie!”

    and my favorite

    “Well, at least Timmy didn’t fall in the well this time.”

  11. Blake says:

    “Goldie I hardly knew you.” She exclaims as she recognizes her goldfish, “I will avenge your death”.

  12. Charleen Jackson says:

    Oh, yeah, now I remember! That’s where I left him.

    OK. So I’m old and not so funny so no snide comments, I just want to win the prize.

  13. Kimber says:

    Looks like someone forgot his water-wings….

    What a funny idea! I love your blog, by the way — it never fails to maek me smile 🙂

  14. Jeanette says:

    And one neighbor said to the other “Bless her heart. She finally killed Robert.”
    (don’t enter me in the contest, I don’t need a prize – I just want to dream that one day, this could be a true story)

  15. lymalu73 says:

    And you said daycare couldn’t kill you?

  16. Jillian says:

    Well, that’s the last time *I* go skinny-dipping. Do you think it was a heart-attack, or that he gasped underwater and drowned?

  17. April says:

    Not again!

  18. kirstine says:

    hey rocky watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat. ah bullwinkle that trick never aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!

  19. kirstine says:

    no not you lassie i was supposed to fall in

  20. Maren says:

    David off work?:)

  21. Kristen says:

    I didn’t know the bishop was in the mob!

  22. kirstine says:

    Dark and stormy night? why not moist like say that BODY AT THE BOTTOM OF THE POOL!!

  23. Melody says:

    I wanted to come up with something creative for this, but I’m completely brain dead, sorry. :/

  24. Leslie says:

    That face seems so familiar … hey wait a minute, that’s me! Did I just drown? Crap, I knew I shouldn’t have dug a pit for my neighbor this morning! This was *so* not my day.

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