- Barred Rock
- Sitting on Jessica’s lap
This isn’t so much a give-away, I’m planning one for later this month, as it is a random contest. All of the chickens but one are named. I feel pretty safe naming them, because we are raising these things for their eggs, not their frying potential.
The Golden Sex Link and the Americauna are named, respectively, Lucy and Ethel. These two chickens are the bravest. When the coop door was opened for the first time, Lucy looked around and ran right out. When Ethel saw Lucy on the other side of the coop, she was very surprised and starting chirping like crazy at her. Lucy chirped back and Ethel ran right out to join her. They are always the first out of the coop now, and always are together, pecking and scratching. If one of them does something, the other one immediately runs to do it, too.
The Buff Orpington’s name is Charlotte. I don’t know why. The kids named her. She is aloof. Or pretends to be. She acts like she couldn’t care less what the other chickens are doing, until it looks like they are having more fun than her. Then she frantically starting chirping and squawking and runs over to where they are….where she immediately pretends to ignore them. She was the last one out of the coop, and the only one who still freaks out every time we try to hold her.
The other day, Jessica was determined, and finally had Charlotte in her loving arms. She sat down with her in a chair near the coop. Charlotte was cheeping loudly and stretching her tiny neck out. Her little feet were running in the air. The other chickens ran over to see what the heck she was yelling about. They all looked at Jessica, looked at Charlotte and I swear, Lucy rolled her eyes. Ethel gave a loud chirp and the three remaning chickens ran (they run everywhere) back to the sandbox, where they had all been pecking through the sand, hopefully eating earwigs.
Which brings us to the nameless chicken, the Barred Rock. She is the smallest of the three, and the most cuddly. She follows Lucy and Ethel around, but does not try to steal their bugs. (They steal from each other, and when they’re not paying attention, Charlotte tries to steal from them). Here’s a funny story that sort of tells what kind of baby she is, and how the other girls feel about her: On Monday evening the chickens were out, having their free range time. Lucy and Ethel were investigating Blair’s tools and the materials he had out (still building the gazebo roof, pics to come later). They were very interested in the roofing, and the wood. Lucy liked the power cord, and Ethel was checking out the saw. Little Barred Rock was not so interested in the stuff, but followed them around pecking and scratching in the grass. Charlotte stood about 6 ft away ignoring everyone. Lucy saw a bird land in the yard and she and Ethel ran to drive it off (these two are very territorial) Buff missed their departure, she was wrastling an earwig (good girl!). When she looked up, they were gone, but she didn’t know where they were. She peeped and chirped like crazy and was running around in circles looking. Lucy heard and she and Ethel both started cheeping. Barred Rock spotted them, and ran like a madwoman to them, where she stood between them, trying to get a grip. After a moment. the three of them continued with their chickenly activities.
S0, the contest will work like this: If you have an idea for a name, submit it in the comments. I will read accept entries through the end of the week, then pick my three favorite. Then, next week, we’ll have a vote. The name with the most votes, wins.
The rules:
1. NO descriptive names. No Fluffy’s or Stripey’s. No Nuggets, or other chicken food names.
2. No current famous ppl’s names. Not naming chickens after Gaga, or Paris Hilton, or Shania Twain.
3. No top ten baby names.
I know, I’m picky, right?:)
Being content to do her own thing; not feeling the need to run and join in.. hmmm…..
What about Elizabeth after Elizabeth Taylor? She seemed to feel content with herself … and she had black hair… did she ever have some silvery white in it too??
I was really trying to come up with a name that represented her following the rest around…like Tag-Along or Little Lamb (you know? Mary had a Little Lamb…it followed her to school one day?). But nothing was coming. Then, out of the blue, a name popped into my head. I have no idea why, nor any clue where it came from. But here it is:
Go figure…
Her pirate name:
Pirate Kate the Dagger
Or famous chickens from kids books:
Chicken Little
Rosie (frm Rosie takes a walk)
Louise (from Louise: the adventures of a chicken)
Tillie (from Tillie Lays an Egg)
Or a couple silly ones:
Dorothy Dontcount (your chickens before their hatched)
Or a couple random ones:
I have a strong affinity for Lucy and Ethel and can’t even think of a cute name. They sound like quite the fun pair and probably get into all sorts of fantastic trouble. One came to mind but its iffy: Ranger! It’s sort of a play on words, She’s independent AND a free range chickee. Get it? Oh I kill me.
I think I am voting Fanilow…maybe Fannie for short. Either that or Stephanie or maybe Sally Sweet
Gracie for a chicken without a clue..
It looks like Gonzo.
Dipsy or Lala
I’m voting for Gertrude. As in Gertrude Stein.
My friend Veronica from facebook says name her Sylvia.
How about Desi (not Ricky)? He was always trying to figure out what Lucy was up to and getting caught up in her hijinks. Desi can pass for a female name.
el pollito chiquito 🙂
I like Betty.
well how abuot some of the shicks I have had
Had a blue ameracauna I called Brunehilda she was ashow chicken
or Goldie
Silver Raven, spot This was a rooster since it is a bar rock maybe stripes
I had one Esmeralda, and ithica, Have a rabbit names golgotha this was where jusus was put to the cross the name of the town. I have * chicks growing up the rooster is chookster in Australia they call them chooks so you could use chook or chookie or chookster, I have a hen I call big fat hen then friends have had some one called mrs. fluffy bottom, I had rabbits called casiopea athena Gabrielle bittersweet could call it demon I had a bunny I called devil bunny she had pupils that we red the eye colour was brown, penelope, if it talks a lot you could call her gabby, claudette, jezebel, penney henny, KOKO, I also have named after famous stars kids sort Honey blosson, was one, she was a rex but got sick and had to be killed. Can’t think of many more. oh have one that I called lady hawk she looks like a hawk in the face.