My girls

I would like to post something besides how frantically busy I am…but I’m too busy to think of anything else. Yesterday the kids and I moved at a rapid pace through our various activities until everyone went home. I fed my  family dinner and got ready to go to a wedding reception. We went, hugged the bride and raced home to get our teen girls to a church youth activity. I came home and finally did the dinner dishes. We got the little boys ready for bed and I met some personal needs that had been begging for my attention (who knew leg hair could even get that long?) The girls came home from their activity. I advised them against loud noises, and went to bed.

Today is bookclub, we are cleaning and well….cleaning.

Less daycare than expected, one poor little guy went home tossing his cookies.  So, I had a spare minute, crazy, I know, and was planning to make a list. I opened my purse to dig out a piece of paper and a pen, when I ran across three colorful envelopes. On Sunday, one of the girl’s camp leaders handed me these notes, and said the girls wrote them at camp. I was in my usual tearing hurry, and stuffed them into my purse where I promptly forgot about them. Until now. I took them out to the yard where I was watching the kids, and read them.


I know that the girl’s were made to write these, and when one of their church leaders hands them cute note paper and says, ‘write your mom a note’ that it’s going to be a nice note. Still, it was touching to me to read these loving words. Each of the girls wrote not only the words of gratitude I’m sure they had been advised to write, but each added a personal note, specific to their individual relationships with me. I totally teared up. It was a reminder to me of just how much I love them. I also was reminded of how important my example is to them.  Without fail, each girl mentioned a specific example of how the way I acted in various situations affected them personally. I was  grateful to have these (albeit forced) notes from my daughters. What a gift.


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4 Responses to My girls

  1. Glad you got some nice confidence boosters. Everyone needs those. 🙂 One of my favorites is the check Michaela wrote to me during Reality Town for 3 billion dollars for mothering. I have it up where I can see it.

  2. Melody says:

    It wasn’t tooooo forced… they could have doodled on them. You are a terrific mom 🙂

  3. kimber says:

    Yay for kids who can write! All my “love notes” are magic marker doodles on the furniture 🙂

  4. Leslie says:

    Cute, cute story. I suppose they don’t write things like that on father and sons campouts or at scout camp. I’ll have to get my kicks some other way when my babies are old enough to write. That was a great story.

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