Get in, sit down, buckle up, and hang on!

This weekend is going to be absolutely crazy.  We have tons of family coming into town to celebrate with us.  Miss 8 is getting baptized and we are blessing Tiny Baby. 

I cannot wait to fill the benches of the church with my big family. 

My brother will be here with his 8 kids.  My sister will be here with her 7 kids.  My parents are here.  I have two brother and sister-in-laws coming over, with their respective children. 

It will be nothing less than a madhouse. 

Let me pause to say that Maren is a whiz at filling her house with people.  I do not think it bothers Lynn, either.  I am the opposite of a whiz.  I am a basket case.  I do not know how to feed people.  I do not know how to find places for people to sleep.  I do not know how to find enough chairs for everyone to sit in!  I have tried to tell myself:  You are 35 years old.  Handle it.  No big deal.  But I know my stress is completely obvious, because my dad keeps making secret phone calls to Maren to ask for her advice about what and how much to buy. 

(I am also making secret phone calls to Maren.  I am on the phone with her right now.)

I will say this for myself.  I am a quick learner.  I have learned that it takes at least 9 lbs of hamburger to serve 25 people.  Today I made my first really big Cosco purchase and I bought an amazing, mind boggling amount of paper plates and trash bags.  I bought extra toilet paper.  I told everyone to bring their own towels and pillows, I can’t even go there. 

I sort of have that beginning of the roller coaster ride feeling.  I am buckling up, heading up the big hill, and I know pretty soon I’m going to be hanging on for dear life with my teeth rattling out of my head.  Wahoo baby!  This is going to be some ride!

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6 Responses to Get in, sit down, buckle up, and hang on!

  1. Maren says:

    After this you’ll be a pro! House parties every weekend!:)

  2. Anna Powell says:

    Are you willing to share Maren’s phone number with the rest of us so that we can make “secret” phone calls to her also!

  3. Carrie says:

    Anna, if you need Maren advice, just post a comment on here and I’m sure she’ll be happy to help you. 🙂

  4. Leslie says:

    Ha, ha, ha, good luck Carrie. This is when I’m glad that I come from a small family. Congrats on the baby blessing and the baptism.

  5. Melody says:

    Good luck and have fun 🙂

  6. I’m biting my nails just thinking about it. Actually, I don’t bite my nails but you get the idea. Have a wonderful time. 🙂

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