More on Super Powers

If any of you remember, awhile ago we posted about super powers.

My sis mentioned she can get out any kind of stain, no matter what it is.  I have to bring this up again.

I am a finder.

I mean it.  You lose it, I find it.  Seriously.

Today when I got home from picking up Miss 7 from ballet, the house was in an uproar.  I had only been gone an hour but Miss 1 had been terrorizing daddy the whole time.  I’m talking terrorizing, in the way that only a two year old can.  (oh yes, she’ll be two next month and she is truly terrible).

Anyway, right away I noticed that Miss 1 was not wearing her glasses and daddy looked panicked.

“She’s been everywhere,” he said.  “They’re gone.  This is the fourth time.”

I tried to stay calm.  I suggested we quickly eat dinner, because he needed to get back to work.  (He had only come home for a quick bite to eat and then had a late appointment.)

“I’ll find them after dinner,” I said.  “No worries.”  In my mind, I was already formulating a prayer for help and imagining a full search, room to room, through trash cans and under beds.  I pictured myself walking through the grass, systematically staring down at each blade.

“She was in the garage, too,” he said.

“I hope I didn’t park on them,” I said, still trying to keep up a semblance of calm.  I was really trying to be nice, but I did mention that when I am home and she starts taking them off repeatedly, I keep them with me and just let her go free for a little while until she’s ready again.  Poor daddy sighed and his shoulders slumped when I mentioned this and I realized I needed to keep my mouth shut.

After a hasty dinner, and a quick kiss goodbye, daddy headed back to work.  Poor guy, on the way out I saw him worriedly peering down at the garage floor some more.

I slowly ate my dinner.  Then I rose from the table, walked into Miss 1’s bedroom, picked up her glasses case, opened it and voila!  There they were.  I love my super power.

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