It is my turn to comment on the first day of school topic. My kiddos started yesterday. We laid out clothes and filled their backpacks with school supplies the night before. I must say, they were looking super, super cute. Miss 8 was absolutely grinning with excitement. She has decided that to make school fun this year she will pretend she is attending Hogwarts. So PE is Defense Against the Dark Arts, Library is Transfiguration, Music is Charms, etc. She has Miss 6 going in with her, although I doubt Miss 6 totally understands exactly what she is in on since she has never read Harry Potter. (Side Note: I went to the last Harry Potter movie on Tuesday and I loved it. I was gripping my seat with suspense. Well done Harry Potter movie makers, Well done!)
Miss 6 has finally admitted that she too is a little bit excited and a LOT nervous for her first day. I promised her that her first grade teacher is a “first grader expert” and that she would know how nervous she was and explain everything she needed to know.
In the morning everything went very smoothly. (As opposed to today- Miss 6 already misplaced her shoes.) Yes, very smoothly. Right up until they kissed me goodbye and shut the door.
That’s when, I am embarrassed to admit, I started to cry like a baby. You must understand, I often say I cried in conversation to relate how I’m feeling, but I never actually cry. Well, almost never. But yesterday I cried like a baby. I went the whole pathetic distance. I let myself imagine Miss 6 all married, and driving away to live in some other state. I thought to myself, this motherhood thing really sucks- you get to know these people and love them and for what?? They will just leave you! Yes, I was a pitiful, wallowing little mom.
I never cried when Miss 8 started kindergarten or first grade. I just knew she would be fine and would love it. But somehow Miss 6 starting first grade and being gone the whole day really got to me. I think Miss 6 will not be the same. She will go right out into the world and she will change just a little bit and I think I will miss that little bit. (wah)
Reality does set in, however. This morning I awoke to Miss 6 yelling at Miss 8, and, like I said before, she had lost her shoes. So, maybe today will be a little easier. Maybe today I will be smiling as I wave good bye to my little sweeties.