I Have Nothing to Freak Out About, I Think

So, with the start of school under my belt and Licensing going well and moving right along, I’ll need something new to freak out about…any suggestions?

I guess I could go back to the unemployed hubby thing, but, frankly, it’s not going badly. And I’m not just saying that because he reads my blog…:)

Maybe the kids will do something interesting. I mean, I did get thrown up on twice yesterday, but frankly, it didn’t really make a dent.

Is my life BORING????? OH no! My whole blog is based on the fact that my life rocks…that interesting/boring/horryifying things happen to us daily.

What if nothing else happens?

Oh sure the cat nearly ate some of the chickens Sunday…and I got 2 new baby chicks…and then the older chickens tried to eat them and I yelled (on this same Sunday morning in my backyard for my whole Mormon neighborhood community to hear) “Why the hell is everyone trying to EAT everyone?”

And there was the thing with the cat and the rabies shot. It was pretty ugly. Our cat is great, but he does NOT like to ride in the van and his fur pops off of him like an uncovered popcorn cooker when he gets upset. The whole van is like a gigantic cat now.  I’m not allergic to cats, and MY eyes are watering from the ride over and back.

I guess I still have the little things, I’ll just have to make the most of them. The undone chores, the missing library books, the underpants left in unusual places around the house. There’s always the teen angst, and daycare drama. And I’ll always have Tim. He’s usually good for some adrenaline:)

Whew! For a minute there, I thought I was mundane!:)



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1 Response to I Have Nothing to Freak Out About, I Think

  1. Nedra says:

    Oh darn…I missed the “eating each other” meltdown. Could you please alert me when you’re going to shatter the Sabbath peace…so I can be outside in the backyard and enjoy it????? 😉

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