An Ad, and A Funny Story

First, we are very excited about our new Etsy Shop where we sell things we have made.  You can see the link to our shop on our SahmSistersShop page and here:

I am making bags, and purses. If you live near me, and you know already if you do, and you want a bag, you can come over, look at my samples and pick your style and colors and I will make one to order. If you live near Lynn, you can get a custom onsie set or bracelet. If you live near Carrie, stop by and say “hello!”The woman’s gestating for Pete’s sake and has four girls who are terrified of autoflush toilets… you think she has time to make stuff for us? (We have her managing the shop)  So, check out our Shop, um, actually, GO to our shop and BUY something:) But if you don’t we’ll probably love you anyway, cause that’s the way we roll!:)

AND now, the Funny Story.  On Monday, the kids were jumping on the chairs, which of course is forbidden.  I reminded the kidlets of this important rule and went back to my dishes. A few minutes later, I heard suspiciously happy children (you know what I mean, the kind of laughing that makes you run to see what the heck they are doing…) I ran in and they were jumping from the piano bench to the couch…and then from the couch to the ottoman and from there they had organized a trail of upside down toybins, books and throw pillows leading to the playroom. I said, “What are you doing?”

They looked at me, frozen on their respective ‘islands’. I asked, “Well, why you jumping all around on my stuff?”

The Boy looked at me very seriously, and replied, “We’re playing ‘Hot Llama’.


The Girl explained, “You know, it’s hot llama and if we touch the ground we’ll burn up and die!”

Oh. (Hot LAVA)


I love kids:)

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3 Responses to An Ad, and A Funny Story

  1. Leslie says:

    “I reminded the kidlets of this important rule” How did that sound?

    • Maren says:

      I said, in a kind but firm voice, “Children, please remove yourselves from the couch, as per the stated rule: ‘No jumping on the couch.’ Thank you.”

  2. lymalu73 says:

    You should have said “If you jump on the couch you could fall off and die”

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