Sheer Dumb Luck?

Today I am thinking about luck. 

My dad got me thinking about it this morning when he called.  My parents were at my house for almost three weeks and then on the way home, they stopped and visited my other siblings.  The trip was probably about 2000 miles.  When he got home, he was looking at his truck and he realized his registration sticker was expired.  Not just by a month, either.  We’re talking, expired since February

Talk about lucky! 

Driving 2000 miles with no registration and not getting pulled over!  And that does not even include the fact that during the time of expired/no registration he was in a fender bender and the police didn’t notice it then either!

My bro-in-law is lucky like this, too.  Before I was married, I was driving with my husband-to-be and our car broke down.  (Parts actually fell off when we turned a corner.)  Naturally, we called Maren for help.  (who else?)  My bro-in-law came to the rescue, driving a car with no registration, no license, no proof of insurance;  basically not a scrap of the legal paraphernalia that one should have when one drives.  He got pulled over and NOTHING happened to him.  (I know for sure that there are people in my very own family who would’ve been thrown in jail under the same circumstances.  Unlucky.)

This wasn’t a one-time recurrence either.  He is so super lucky.  He was recently pulled over for speeding and had no proof of insurance.  The police officer joked, smiled, warned, and left.  No ticket. 

I don’t know about all of you, but this kind of luck does not extend to me.   I have been pulled over a few times and I’ve gotten a ticket every single time.  Once I didn’t have my insurance card, so I got a ticket that gave me 30 days to produce the proof, or else. Not only do I not have this kind of luck, I don’t even know what produces it.  Where does it come from?  Is it kharma?  Is it a blessing?  It is just coincidence?  What makes the difference between the lucky and the unlucky?  Is there some catch phrase you should say to an officer that makes them turn a blind eye to your infractions?  If it is something in the DNA, maybe there is still hope for me since my dad was so lucky.  Maybe my luck gene is just waiting to surface.   I don’t know.  All I know is, it must feel good to be so lucky, because my dad was sure happy on the phone this morning.  The lucky duck.

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9 Responses to Sheer Dumb Luck?

  1. Maren says:

    I’m just glad I married it!:)

  2. lymalu73 says:

    I don’t get pulled over…does that make me lucky?

  3. Grandma. says:

    You keep telling me to have faith. I prayed a lot before, during and after this trip.

  4. Nedra says:

    I guess I’m lucky then. The last time I got pulled over I had just purchased a HAND GUN and it was in my backseat. I mean, it was a legal gun…but I was so freaked out that I’m surprised I didn’t have a meltdown. Either the officer was completely non-perceptive and didn’t realize he had a mental case on his hands, or he was at the end of his shift and didn’t really care…LOL

    (Every other time, though, I’ve gotten a ticket.)

  5. Jillian says:

    Hmm, I’ve been pulled over a few times, but never had a ticket (knock on wood and spit in your hat!). Once, I was zipping along a dirt back road much faster than is safe, and an officer was driving the other direction. He didn’t pull me over, he just made the “SLOW DOWN” hand gesture as he drove by. Hmmm, maybe I’m lucky.

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