School has started

Every one (all four of my children) are back in school.  Mr. 14 started last Friday, Miss 16 started on Monday, Mr 13 started on Tuesday and Mr. 8 started on Wednesday. Why was I excited for school to start back up?   First of all, we have to wake up—early–like before 6 AM.  Then we have to get lunches made and everyone showered and out the door.  In just a couple of days, we have gotten a lot done.

I took the forgotten football gear to the school and attended a football parent meeting.  I signed up for the booster club and all the fun ways to help the football team.  I signed up for the elementary school PTO and agreed to help with some sort of a book sale.  I have signed up to be the room parent for Mr. 8 (that one makes me happy because then I am in charge!)  I have signed up to make copies and help with reading groups.  I signed up for the band boosters at both the high school and the middle school.  I have met the new elementary school principal and set up a meeting with the assistant principal.  Last year she and I had talked about starting a kindness club next year…guess what next year is here!  I gave advice (when asked) about the parking mess at the elementary school.

Just a quick note, some of you may say stop signing up.  I have tried that–and around here when you don’t sign up ‘voluntarily’ they call and e-mail and stop you in the parking lot to encourage you to help.  They send notes home with your students.  Basically it is easier to choose what to sign up to help with rather than try to hide and be bombarded with their reminders.  And when I sign up early, I get to do what I want.  Also can I just say how helpful it is for the school to know you by sight and not just because they keep calling you about your son.  The goodwill I bank more than makes up for the hassle some children (Mr. 13) will give that school.

We have bought school supplies three different times.  Each child who has gone to school has brought home a new list of what their teacher wants.  The middle school does not add the band and choir fees, so I have to pay them this morning.

This is not taking into account the two essays I have proofread, the math assignments I have checked or the Spanish homework I helped with.

So now that you have read this and are as tired as I am….Why do I send them to school?

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1 Response to School has started

  1. Kirstine Rash says:

    because there are some quietish hours in the middle when they are all at school

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