Ready, Set, Back to School!?!?!

Can it be back-to-school shopping time already? 

My first inkling that I need to start thinking about getting the kids ready for school came when I went to Wal-mart the other day to buy swimming pool toys and the swimming stuff  had been replaced with backpacks and school supplies!  (already?!?!)

Since I had Tiny Baby I have been in a total fog- sitting in the chair, rocking her, and dozing, so this change in Wal-mart themes came as a shock, believe me!  That is why when my mom-in-law mentioned that she had seen cute little light up shoes at Ross last week, my ears perked right up.  If she saw the shoes last week, would there still be some for my girls?  I knew I needed to rouse myself from my stupor and hurry off to the store for some trendy little shoes! 

Look at what we found!  Sparkly, light up shoes for all!

(all who care, anyway.  Miss 2 and Tiny Baby don’t get any, poor little things.)

I know that we still have plenty of time before school, but now that I am roused, I can’t help making other back-to-school plans as well.  I want to go through drawers and clothes boxes!  I want to see just who needs what and which size of what they may need!  I want to go to school websites and downloads lists of supplies!  I admit, I am always at a loss as to how to find the truly best deal on school supplies, but I am ready, I want to try again! 

(forgive the overuse of exclamation marks in this post, but I have just been startled awake (eyes wide open) and made to realize that there are things to get done around here!) 

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