Post-Hostess Euphoria

What a weekend!  Almost nothing I worried about happened and everything I hoped for did, so I am feeling mighty good. 

The baptism of Miss 8 and the blessing of Tiny Baby were both absolutely beautiful. 

The mixing of my side of the family and my in-laws was perfectly friendly.  My brother’s 8 kiddos were amazingly helpful and sweet.  I loved getting to spend more time than usual with my sis-in-law and brother.  It goes without saying that it is always a delight to have Maren and her family around. 

The house full of family was not a madhouse, it was more like a funhouse.  I managed to produce more food than we needed, everyone brought their own chairs to sit in, and everyone found a comfortable place to sleep.

Now I am sitting here, enjoying the last days of my parent’s visit and simply unwinding.  (Except for the sound of Tiny Baby crying- she is 3 weeks old now and fussing today.  I guess she is starting to wake up.)  I know that pretty soon I will have to jump start my brain and think of things to do around this house, but for now, I am going to rock the baby and doze and enjoy not planning anything.

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