Operation Damage Control

Remember how I mentioned that Miss 8 was about to be Miss 9?  Well, today’s the big day and yesterday was the big party.  I spent all day in the kitchen doing, for lack of better words, damage control.  I bet you were expecting me to say I was decorating her cake, but that’s not how I roll.  ; )

First, I have to let you in on a little secret:  Cake Doctor.  Anne Byrn.  Buy her book, start baking cakes that have people asking when you’re going to open your own bakery, enough said.

Secondly, let me offer a little advice about taking a cake out of a 9 x 13 cake pan.  Let it cool.  And when you let it cool and it still comes out in big chunks anyway, ’cause you were distracted and sprayed the pan with cooking spray instead of greasing and flouring, Don’t Panic. There is always hope. Especially if you followed my first bit of advice and made a Cake Doctor cake. If you did, your cake is nice and moist, so when it comes out in big chunks you can squoosh it back into a semi-normal shape and with careful frosting, it will be fine. Unless you really did open your own bakery. Then it won’t be fine. This squooshed up cake will only be fine for an informal family affair.

Thirdly, your squooshed up cake will need to be frosted very, very carefully. Proceed with Caution. Don’t get out a spatula, a frosting spreader, or any type of spreading device. Get out a frosting tip and carefully dot your cake with frosting. If you attempt to spread your frosting, I suspect you’ll have nothing left but a pile of tasty crumbs. Which wouldn’t be all bad, but it might be hard to get a candle to stand up in it……

Lastly, if your cake survived your baking and decorating, like Miss 9’s did, it’s time to grab a Diet Coke and relax. Operation Damage Control is complete and you are ready to party. Take a picture of your cake and your bday kid and enjoy!



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