Narcolepsy or Motherhood

Anyone who reads this who has known me over the years, knows that I have always been a pretty sleepy individual.  Once I even bought a silly little book about the art of taking a good nap.  (I would write the title, but I can’t remember it at the moment.  I just went to look for it on my bookshelf but it had cute pictures and my girls seem to have stolen it. . . .) 

However, I think my sleepiness has reached new heights with this pregnancy.  Here’s a little list of things I have fallen asleep in the middle of doing:

Folding laundry.  (yes that’s right, folding laundry.  that’s why it never gets done. )

Crossword puzzle.  Everyday I like to do the crossword in the newspaper.  I wake up with pencil in hand and print marks on cheek.

Computer.  I can fall asleep doing anything at the computer.

Reading.  I know this is pretty common among everyone, but still worth mentioning.  I have actually had to make a rule that I can’t read books to little girls between the hours of 1-3 because it just results in mama taking a big long nap.

Movies.  Again common, but irritating.  Especially when it happens every single time no matter if you’re in the theater or at home and you really really wanted to see that darn movie!

Carpool.  Now this is a sensitive topic.  No, I have not actually fallen asleep driving.  I live in terror of doing that and so I have taken to inhaling pounds of junk food while I drive.  But I have most definitely fallen asleep after parking while waiting for kids to come out to the van. 

Church.  Actually, I used to fall asleep during church but now that I have Miss 2 I am wide awake, whisper reading little books to her or walking her up and down the hallways during the meeting.

Talking to friends.  On the phone.  Face to face.  It’s embarrassing.

There are many, many, many more embarrassing and bizarre moments that I could mention, but frankly, it is 9 in the morning and I’ve been up since 7 and I seriously need to go get some other things done.  Right after I sit down for a minute, to take a little nap on the couch.

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2 Responses to Narcolepsy or Motherhood

  1. Melody says:

    I hear ya, Sista! I have always been a sleepy person too. Oh, for the boundless energy our kids have, eh?!

    I hope that you get lots of little naps during that day (that you *plan* on taking, not just that happen) and lots of sleep tonight!

  2. Abbie says:

    LOL! I shouldn’t laugh, but…funny! I used to be able to nap between stops on the bus in Bulgaria. Diet Coke. It’s my drug of choice. It’s the only way I can get things done, because I’m so tired all day.

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