
A few people have mentioned me and ‘time management’ in the same sentence this last week or so. I’ve never thought of myself as any kind or organized, but, as my sister pointed out, I have a large family calendar which schedules all of the general activities. Also,  I’m a calendar girl and I carry my planner everywhere. I have noticed that with 7 kids and a daycare, if I don’t write it down, it doesn’t happen. I schedule bills, paydays, daycare kids, shopping days and all the minutae that must be done. I guess that’s pretty organized….who knew?  But I noticed that sometimes my days ran me, instead of me running my days.

So, if this is you, here’s what I want you to try.

1. Make a list of 4 roles you fill. (My list was Wife/Mom,  Daycare Provider, SahmSister, and  Church Member)

2. Pick one thing that needs to be done in each role. (For example, in my Daycare Role, I listed, “Organize and sort books”)

That’s it! Now, concentrate on those things. They are your ‘big things’. The little stuff will fill itself in, without your help:) Dishes will get done, laundry will happen and carpools go.

I have found that this trick keeps my life more on track. It reminds me of my most important roles, and the most important things in my life.

Give it a shot, let me know how it goes:)

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1 Response to Maren

  1. Melody says:

    I need to get back on the organization wagon. I’ve let things slide for too long. Thanks for the reminder 🙂

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