Ecclesiastes 3:1

Hi, I didn’t actually have to drive the carpool today at least not yet, I was just slow getting to the posting.  Anyway, here are my thoughts for today.  Words of wisdom (hopefully).
“To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.”
Great scripture, great song! (By the way the song was written by the fantastic Pete Seeger before the Byrds sang it, but that is another topic).

I am posting this scripture/song because it has helped me so many times.
When I was deciding whether or not to go on a mission for my church, this scripture was a turning point, letting me know that I should go ahead and go, that I could finish my education when I returned and that the other dreams and goals I had for my life would be achieved, all in good time. All in the Lord’s time.
I am thinking of this now because I have been in kind of a pregnancy induced funk. I feel the need to take things very, very slowly. For a few weeks now, maybe longer, I’ve been giving myself a hard time about this. Feeling a little low that the house is messier than usual, not doing so many brain stimulating activities with the little girls, generally falling asleep every time I sit down for more than two minutes (seriously, I can fall asleep at the kitchen table doing a crossword, or even posting on this blog. . . .) and generally not wanting to do anything extra at all.
But, thanks to this scripture, and I can’t read it without getting the song in my head, I have realized that this is perfectly okay. This is the time for me to take it slow.
And all you other pregnant moms out there who may be reading this! If you cannot live up to your usual perfectionist dreams, right now, that is perfectly fine. You’ll get to it. Right now you’re growing a baby. There is a time for everything, so if need be, give yourself a break. You’ll get back into your usual groove when you’re ready to.
Do the chores that must be done and then sit down on the couch like me and read a book. This is definitely the time for it. 🙂

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4 Responses to Ecclesiastes 3:1

  1. Melody says:

    Yep, it is true. And the housework will wait.

    I just got the flowers and chocolate covered strawberries just a minute ago! What a surprise! Thank you all so much! 🙂

  2. Ozie says:

    Helpful tips! I have been browsing for some thing like that for a time now. With thanks!

  3. Kilian says:

    Like the fresh design. I enjoyed this article. Thanks a lot for the great entry.

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