early day vs earth day

I am back on my usual round of doctor appointments.  At the end of this week, I have my pregnancy glucose test (which I’m actually looking forward to because the nurse told me to eat bacon and eggs before I come in.)  At the beginning of next week, it’s Miss 6 and Miss 4 off to the dentist.  Then the end of next week is Miss 1’s follow-up-on-wearing-the-patch-does-she-need-eye-surgery appointment. 

Grandma has kindly agreed to watch the girls while I am at the glucose test but she will be out of town (sister-in-law is having a baby, so excited for that!) for Miss 1’s follow-up.  The follow-up is the one I have been freaking out over.  Not only is Grandma out of town, so there goes my babysitter, but on my calendar, in my own handwriting, it clearly says “early day.”  Which means that Miss 6 has to be taken to kindergarten an hour earlier, thus interfering with the “follow-up”. 

So, I have been talking to my dear sweet husband about this dilemna.  I was hoping maybe he could go into work a little later, or take lunch break a little earlier, or something, to be able to help with the early day problem.  At the same time I have been negotiating with Grandpa, who often works from home, about watching the girls while Grandma is gone.

After several phone calls back and forth to check and recheck schedules, my husband agreed to move a 10 o’ clock appointment to 9 o’ clock, thus allowing him to come home at 10 and meaning that Grandpa will only have to watch the little girls for about half an hour until daddy comes and whisks Miss 6 off to kindergarten at the early day time.


Today, I am standing at my counter, looking down peacefully at my calendar, feeling glad that I can go to the “follow-up” unaccompanied by anyone except Miss 1, who of course, needs to be there.  I really need to be paying attention to the doc at this one and not the other naughties I have with me.  And I am feeling all grateful to Grandpa and daddy for rearranging their schedules to help me.  And then I realize.  On my calendar I have written “earth day” not “early day.” 

Apparently I cannot read my own handwriting. 

I have also been thinking about using a planner to keep my life organized.  But now I am asking myself, if I cannot read my own handwriting, how is a planner going to help me. . . . . .

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2 Responses to early day vs earth day

  1. lymalu73 says:

    HA Ha Ha still laughing. Love ya sis!

  2. Maren says:

    laughing laughing laughing!:) I love you sis:)

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