Daylight savings

You know me, I try to stay out of the hot button issues, but I really gotta say something here about Daylight Savings Time.


Seriously, I can’t take it anymore.  I hardly ever know what time it is ANYWAY, and all the clocks in my house say something different USUALLY.

Enter Daylight Savings.

Now, I have to change all the clocks. We have a lot of clocks. There’s the one over the daycare cubbies in the Copa.  20150309_070044 I can’t even reach it. Blair won’t climb up there. The dang thing will probably say the wrong time for a week. Which, it actually said the wrong time all LAST week too, because it is a sorry clock and it does not keep great time. It’s more of an estimator clock, than an accurate clock. There’s the daycare classroom clock. I picked that one. I hung it up myself.

It’s easy to read, easy to change.20150309_070104

There’s the alarm clock in the bedroom, which, I don’t even know why we still have because we both use our phones for alarms. AND that piece of junk’s reset buttons are almost all non-functioning, it turns out, so that made resetting it a bit interesting. At least our phones seem to know what time it is. Thank you Tmobile, for trying to make my life just a bit easier.

In the kitchen, there are 4 clocks. The microwave, the stove, the radio/CD player, and the atomic clock, which is the ONE FREAKING CLOCK you would think would tell the real time but NO. NOT EVEN CLOSE. It can take that clock a week to realize it is daylight savings time. You know, the same people that gave us the clock in the Copa, also gave us this clock. What does that say about them, never wanting us to know what time it really is! It’s a giant mind game! It’s weird.

In the living room there is a clock.20150309_070144 It says 9:30. All the time. It need batteries, but it is the furthest clock away from the batteries and we don’t go in there all that often, so when you do go in there and look at the clock and for one second you think it is 9:30 and then you realize AGAIN that the dumb thing needs new batteries but you also know you came in here for something……what was it……….

Downstairs in the family room is a clock. A really great clock. We got it for our wedding. I love that clock. It’s so interesting. 20150309_070003I think it might be made out of….huh. I don’t even know what that thing is made out of. We always call it the Rock Clock, because it looks like rock, but now that I’m thinking about it, it might be like petrified wood or something. At any rate, it’s going to take me a while to remember it’s down there and then to change it.

So, all the clocks I can reach and remember, are showing the adjusted time for Daylight Savings. All the rest are wrong. The cars are all wrong, also.

Savings? What exactly are we saving? Time? It’s taken me quite a bit of time to change the clocks I did change. And it will take even more time to mentally adjust in my head every time I try to use a clock that is not adjusted and then have to do that adjustment in my head. And that’s not even mentioning the heart attacks I will have when I am distracted and I look at a clock that is not right, but I will THINK it is right, and I will think I have lost my mind.

I can tell you, we are not “saving daylight”. Daylight happens everyday whether we set our clocks or not. There is more daylight in the summer and less in the winter, whether or not we set our clocks. Also, we are not in charge of daylight. That’s God. We need to leave this one alone and let God deal with it. I mean, don’t we have enough to worry about down here? I mean, why are we trying to Save Daylight, when we could be saving rainforests, or whales, or the environment, or yoga pants, for Pete’s Sake?

Watches. I forgot the watches. I actually have a few. I use them when I go places where you shouldn’t be looking at your phone all the time. Which, it used to be rude to be checking your watch to see how fast you could get out of there, but now, when people see my watch, they say, “WOW, what a great watch! That is so great, no one wears watches anymore.”

Yeah, yeah, no one except me. Speed it up, buddy. I got stuff to do.


My biggest complaint of all.


It’s an hour of my life. I WANT IT BACK.

Not in the Fall. NOW. I want it back NOW.

If it weren’t for the scorpions, I would totally move to Arizona. How is there only ONE STATE that has any sense about this thing?

My schedule feels screwy. I got up at 5:30 this morning.

BUT, it was actually 4:30, wasn’t it!

I want to smack someone. I need an affirmation. I need some ice cream.


P.S. Blair did change the clock in the Copa. I apologize for saying he didn’t. He hardly ever reads this anyway, but if he does, “I’m sorry I said you never climb up there. I’m also sorry I missed you climbing up there, because you look hot on ladders.”








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3 Responses to Daylight savings

  1. Carina says:

    They don’t do Daylight Savings in Hawaii either. Let’s move there!

  2. Melody says:

    I totally agree!

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