Crazy is as Crazy Does

Things have been boring around here, too, but I don’t know it because I’m too *crazy*.

Every so often (I’ll refrain from mentioning how often) when I get into a “snit” and I have the run-away-screaming-from-my-own-life feeling, I mention it to My Dear Husband and he says something compassionate like, “Do you need to talk to someone about this?”

I assume, since I am talking to someone, him, that he is referring to a competent medical professional in the field of mental health. ahem.

Which begs the question, Am I crazy?  Nuts? Have I gone ’round the bend?  Come unglued?

I think with motherhood *crazy* is all relative.

Is it crazy to constantly think you hear screaming in the background of every conversation?  It sounds kind of like a good plot for a thriller, doesn’t it? 

Is it nuts to see little people darting around in your peripheral vision?

Have you gone round the bend if you panic when you hear silence?

Can it be normal to have post traumatic stress disorder from someone asking for a snack, looking for a marker, or mentioning the words, Potty Training? *shudder*

Can it be sane to think that inanimate objects have a life of their own and move from their places every time I’m not looking?

Am I losing a few bricks from my load when the sound of children happily laughing sends a shock of terror and adrenaline right down my spine?

Do I only have one oar in the water if a simple email from a well meaning teacher gives me a severe case of eye twitching and hyperventilating?

Am I nuts to believe that my van could drive carpool without me because it seems to “know the way?”

I suppose I may need help from some kind of professional. . .  but probably not what My Dear Husband has in mind.  I’m thinking along the lines of  Doctor Pepper.  Mr Goodbar.  The company of Ben and Jerry’s.  Maybe Snickers, MD.




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5 Responses to Crazy is as Crazy Does

  1. Abbie says:

    My friend and I get like that…then, we leave one Saturday morning and don’t come back until we feel like it. We wander through Target…just looking…slowly. We wander through Hobby Lobby. We eat at a restaurant where someone ELSE makes, and delivers our meal. Sometimes we see a movie. We drink GOBS of Diet Coke.
    Evening…My children are cherubic angels, and I have married a knight in shining armor.
    Try it. It’s wonderful.

    • Carrie says:

      This time around a bright sunny day snapped me out of it. Go figure. I’ll keep your idea in mind though. 🙂

  2. Melody says:

    Jack Daniels would probably be a remedy too, though we are supposed to refrain from asking *him* for help. 😉

    Good luck! And if *you* are crazy, so are the rest of us!

  3. Jillian says:

    Ahhh, actually, it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who feels that way sometimes. And sometimes, though you know you need a break (because, c’mon, even surgeons and air traffic controllers get breaks…) you just can’t take that break because of all the other deadlines going on. However, I know a wonderful woman who lives in Logan, UT who would LOVE to come steal you and spend at least a day making life better. 😉

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