Chickens in My Backyard

We bought the coop from a guy, who delivered it on a truck, on Monday. Then, yesterday, we bought bedding, food, and food dishes.

Finally, we were ready for the girls! A lady in a town nearby had 10 week old chicks. Their age was important because I didn’t feel ready to keep a chicken in the house under a light.  (Can you say, ‘Cat Snack’?) I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for a chicken in my house….

ANYWAY, we  (Dan, Tim, Nick, and me) went to the lady’s house, and picked out our chicks. She had like, 6 million of them to choose from, all running around a big sort of dog run like a bunch of tiny crazies. She went in, and I tried to point and pick.

Her: This one? (Holding a chick)

Me: No, that one. (pointing at the panicking flock, who seemed to sense something amiss….mmm…no, more like Knew Something Was Terribly Wrong and felt the only solution was to race around cheeping like crazy and crashing into each other)

Her: This one? (Holding a chick)

Me: No, that one right there, with the brown spots. (They all had brown spots, and yes I was having a tiny bit of fun during this…)

Finally, we had our four mini-chickens. Apparently, they are different breeds: One is a Buff Orpington, one is an Ameraucana, one is a Barred Rock, and one is a Sexlink (there might be some identifying word in front of Sexlink but I do not recall what it is. I looked online, nothing rung a bell)

Here are the pics of our new flock of pooping, panicking poultry:)

The Coop

I think this is either the Sexlink or the Ameraucana...

They were so cute, all bunched up:)

One of these is the Ameraucana..the other a Sexlink

This is definitely the Buff Orpington

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7 Responses to Chickens in My Backyard

  1. Nedra says:

    Rabbits on one side, chickens behind…I think I need to get a goat. Or cow. Or maybe some sheep. 😀

  2. Fun! I will have to come and visit! Again, I will not claim responsibility if my cat’s have a snack. 🙂

  3. Melody says:

    Yay! Chicks!

    And in the top pic, it is the Americana. And you have a Golden Sex-link (the other type is a Black Sex-link)

    I LOVE your coop! It and your chicks are VERY cute!!

    I hope that you love having chickens!! 🙂

  4. Debbie Gurtler says:

    I recently sent a surprise package to my daughter in Virginia and there was a little room in the box so I called to ask what else I could throw in there for her. She said “A chicken!” Next time I send her a package I’ll know where to find a chicken 🙂

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