Annual Valentine’s Day Receptacle Contest!

It’s nearing Valentine’s Day again, which means. . . . yes, you guessed it!  The Annual Valentine’s Day Receptacle Contest courtesy of our Awesome Elementary School!

This time I forbid them from making we have stayed away from crazy looking birds. . . .

february 006chicken

can you believe we didn’t win with these feats of creativity????

This time we went for the Mass Media Market.  In other words, we stole stuff from movies.  Miss 9 and Miss 10 are both participating and here’s what we came up:

Winners for sure, right?  Wish us luck!

What the heck is that?? oh, it's the Death Star, of course!

What the heck is that?? oh, it’s the Death Star, of course!

The Harry Potter Sorting Hat

The Harry Potter Sorting Hat

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3 Responses to Annual Valentine’s Day Receptacle Contest!

  1. Maren says:

    Nothing says romance like a well made death star;)

  2. Carina says:

    WOW. These are amazing. All hail the queen of Valentine’s Day Receptacles (which is an awesome name for them, by the way).

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