All Hail Our Big Sister on Her Birthday

My anniversary turned out wonderfully.  I sort of solved my gift giving  dilemna by getting three things for my husband.  The first item produced the awkward smile that I knew would be inevitable upon receiving one of my gifts.  The second item was a BIG HIT.  (phew)  The third item was wrong, wrong, wrong, and must be returned to the nearest Shopko immediately.  (assuming they’ll take it back without a receipt which I’m pretty sure I lost…..)

So what do we learn from this?  Safety in numbers. 

And now, on to the most important topic of the day……. 

Our Sister’s Birthday! 

I want to write an “Ode to My All Knowing Sister” but alas, she is the poet, and I am most definitely not, so I will just make a little list of a few wonderful things we love about her. 

1.  she’s gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous (need we say more?  she’s gorgeous)

2.  her laugh until you cry sense of humor

3.  her ability to laugh in the face of disasters of all kinds  (this ties into the wonderful sense of humor but is an ability of it’s own and must be listed seperately)

4. we love that she loves the color yellow

5.  her eternal optimism

6.  her ability to make running to the store for a Diet Pepsi a super fun part of the day- seriously, when you’re with her, a run for a soda becomes a mini-holiday or a mini-celebration

7.  we love that she’s the big sister and she blazes trails for the rest of us– first to get married, first to have a baby, first to turn. . .. . um. . . . .32?   🙂

8.  her all-knowing answers.  you question, she answers.  she knows all.

In conclusion, we wish our dear sister a most special and memorable birthday!  I would love to make this list much, much longer but I am off to shuttle my little fairies to their dance class. 

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1 Response to All Hail Our Big Sister on Her Birthday

  1. Maren says:

    Even tho this was very embarrassing, I still love you…both!:)

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