To backpack or not to backpack? That is the question.

There are many moments in motherhood that are split between different emotions.

The joy of the tiny new infant in your arms, versus the fear that the little one will have colic and scream you deaf in the coming months.

The pride of seeing your growing child head confidently off to school split by the nervous worry that he or she will take ‘sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll’ as a serious rule to live by.

I am having one of these moments today.

Our backpacking trip is being threatened by cancellation. The actual spot we want to go to is not near any fires, but the road to get there is. We could still find an alternate route to get to our intended destination, but it would add several hours to our driving time.

So, do I feel thankfulness, gratitude, and elated relief that I have been spared the ordeal of taking my 5 young daughters out into the woods?

. . . or do I feel disappointment that we might not be heading out for what is destined to become a distinct family memory no matter how everything goes down.  (And I might not get to use that cute little Peapod bed again.)

Oh, decisions, decisions. What will the day bring?
I will let you know when I know.

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