The Tree Is Up

Last night we decided to put up the Christmas tree.  That’s right.  Thanksgiving is over, and the tree is up!

‘Tis the season and all of that!

As soon as my Dear Husband and I announced our intentions all five girls went completely berserk.  There were jumping jacks, forward rolls, pirouettes, and even happy cries from Tiny Baby as she hung over my arm, observing the melee.  Miss 2 now firmly believes that Daddy is some kind of wizard. She was racing back and forth yelling, “Daddy made a tree from a box!  Daddy made a tree from a box!”

I haven’t seen such a big ruckus in quite awhile and that’s saying a lot, since our Thanksgiving roadtrip was just last week!  I have to admit, I am a pretty uptight mom at times, and it wasn’t completely easy to watch them going so wild.  I had to remind myself not to start shushing and calming.  But it was totally worth it just to let them.

We took pictures of Daddy putting up the star.  We looked over the cute little ornaments the girls always make at church and school.  I took a moment to hang my favorite ornament~a gold heart that a dear teacher gave me many years ago. . . (sniff)

When we were done and in the kitchen dishing up pie, Miss 5, 6 and 2 snuck back into the living room to give the tree a hug for being so beautiful.

(No, it did not get knocked over. . . . .yet)

And if all the same ornaments are hung in one spot, or the tree branches aren’t arranged quite right, I can just wait until the girls are at school and straighten things out.  The tree may not look perfect but it was a practically perfect evening.  🙂



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4 Responses to The Tree Is Up

  1. Abbie says:

    Since that level of insanity is commonplace around these parts you can imagine what happened when the tree went up. I stepped in to do my part (the lights) and then went back to nursing my Diet Coke and huddled in the corner wishing for it to end. I did snap a few pictures…and tried to enjoy it all. But…it just makes my eye twitch.

  2. Loretta Park says:

    I wish I had kids to help me. It was just me and Rod and we just got the tree up with lights. No ornaments yet. No the branches aren’t straight. The lights look a bit bunches in a few places and sparse in others. It’s harder when there are no children in the house to get excited.

  3. Melody says:

    Yay!! I’m still working on mine….

  4. Laura says:

    I used to love putting up the tree, now I dread it and the ensuing battle to keep it looking at all decently decorated. I’m with Abbie there, cringing and eye twitches and everything. I got so frustrated with the kids messing it up, that 2 years ago I decided to just let them decorate the whole thing. Most of the adorable ornaments they made have been broken or graffiti covers it, thanks to my boys and one wild girl. Imagine the chaos you would have if you threw some crazy wild boys in there too. Dancing and twirling sound so sweet and peaceful! We are planning on doing our tree this weekend. If I don’t show up at church, or if I look like a deranged lunatic, you’ll know why. PS I LOVE the “daddy made a tree out of a box” part! So cute! 🙂

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