We went to the family reunion. One of the events was supposed to fishing, followed by a fish fry. A cousin in charge arranged to have trout brought in for the kids to catch.
The trout would be in a large swimming pool and kids would circle it with their fishing poles and catch the trout.
Now before you scroll down
Warning: Some of these images may be disturbing!!!!
This is more of how it actually went
Jump on in the water
Nets were optional
So were poles
Who needs a pole or a hook?
Here fishy fishy
Introduce your fish to everyone
squeeze it
go back for more
Yummy fish
1 fish 2 fish
clean them up
gutting and filleting or was that dissecting and tasting
Show off!
Pose for pictures!
Bread and fry? Mmwaa!
or kiss and tell!
Looking good
Sushi anyone?