Tantrums and Prayers

As you have already figured out, Miss 3 can be a real handful.  She is funny and wild and stubbornly persistent, and screams like a banshee for everything she wants.

A few days ago, she was in the throws of yet another tantrum and I was suddenly and completely really, really done with her.    I hollered at her, swatted her, and sent her into her room for a time out.

I ran into my room and gave myself a time out.  (It involved prayer…. I was seriously fed up.)

When I went back into her room to get her after a few minutes, I saw that she had stripped herself naked and was still having her fit.

“If you’re naked, you need to be sitting on the potty!” I yelled irrationally.  Then I picked her up and tossed her into the bathroom.

In the middle of this, a tiny voice said in my head, “Be nice to her.  She’ll calm down.”

I knelt down in front of her and said, “Are you mad at mommy?”

She assured me that yes, she was most definitely mad at mommy.

I apologized and we hugged.  Then she held up her tiny little fingers and did this:

“I love you,” she smiled.

“Who taught you that?” I asked, surprised.

“Your mommy taught me this,” she said.

I realized that even though my mom was only here visiting for a short time, she had left something behind for me.  I felt like she was right beside me when I needed her.

What an amazing answer to a short, fervent, panicked prayer.

Addendum:  After writing this,  I turned around to see that Miss 3 had colored all over herself and the entire television screen with gray marker. . . . . 

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