Here is my plea!
We all have too much stuff! Purge your junk! You have too much. We all do- or the majority of us anyway. I can say this with confidence having just helped a number of people move.
This morning for instance, I was helping someone pack for a move.
Someone with Way. Too. Much. Stuff.
One person does not NEED 4 microwaves and 6 dressers–or a box of stocking stuffers ‘Santa’ forgot about in 1982. Junk mail should never be kept and old newspapers are just that, old and worthless (not to mention a fire hazard)! Those clothes you are going to lose weight to fit into? You won’t like when and if you do lose that weight.
Get rid of that stuff!
I am all for the old adage, “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!” I just think we could all do without a lot more often.
So my plea to all of you–stop hoarding! Declutter and purge! Throw it away! Give it away! Sell it! Just don’t keep it, you already have too much.
I would keep reiterating my point but instead I am going to go get rid of a bunch of my own stuff! I have too much!
come help me, please!