
This year I will have three kiddos in high school.  In light of our district not passing a mill levy in like a zillion years, we are now blessed with exorbitant student fees.  For elementary it was about $10 a student.  This year my bill for the high schoolers will be over $750.00.  Note this is for first semester only and does not reflect additional fees mr.14 will incur losing his i.d. and any number of library books.  It does not include the cost of senior pictures or even school pictures!  It does not include AP test fees, SAT, ACT or pre any of those test fees.

Yikes!  Maybe summer should last a little longer….

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1 Response to Seriously?!?

  1. Devon says:

    It’s insane isn’t it?? I’m afraid to go this weekend to buy school supplies.

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