Running Away!

The other day, one of the daycare friends, let’s call her Blondie…she’s 4…told me I was boring and that she was going to run away.

Blondie: Maren, it is boring at your house today, I am going to run away.

I’m very used to this. You don’t have 7 kids and do daycare for a thousand years without having been threatened with running away before. The thing to do, is, the very thing they don’t expect you to do. In this case, I knew Blondie wanted me to find something for her to do. Something different, something more fun than what I was suggesting, for example, playdough, sand, art, books, etc. I think what she wanted was to veg in front of tv, but that’s not the way we roll.

Hence, the following:

Blondie: I’m bored. You are boring.

Me: Want to play with playdough?

Blondie: No. I am going to run away.

Me: Ok.

Blondie: I mean it, I’m really going to run away.

Me: I get it. Running away. Ok.

Blondie: Ok, I’m going.

Me: Bye.

Blondie: (pausing for dramatic effect….) I might be gone forever!

Me: Ok. See ya.

Blondie stood there staring at me for a minute.

Me: Are you going, or what?

Blondie: Yup. I’m going now!

Me: See ya. Oh, by the way, did you want to put on your shoes? I mean, if you’re running away, you might want your shoes, right?

Blondie: Yeah, I guess so. Ok. (put her shoes on) Ok, well, this is it. I’m running away forever!

Me: See ya.

Blondie: I mean it, Maren, you won’t ever see me again!

Me: I get it.  You’re running away. Hey, what do you want me to tell your mom?

Blondie: My mom?

Me: Yeah, when she comes to pick you up..what do you want me to tell her?

Blondie: Um…..

Me: I mean, if you’re running away forever, it’s not just me you won’t see. Your mom is going to want to know where you went.

Blondie: Tell her….I ran away…..FOREVER!!!!!

Me: Ok.

Blondie: FOREVER!!!!

Me: Right. Got it. Forever. As in, I will probably never see you again. Ok, well, you better get moving, it’s going to get dark pretty soon. Hey, did you want to put on your jacket?

Blondie: I didn’t bring a jacket.

Me: Wow, that’s too bad. I heard it’s supposed to get kind of cold later. Well, I guess you’ll probably be fine. See ya.

Blondie walked over to the gate, and put her hand on it, and waited.

Blondie: I’m really leaving!

Me: Yup. Bye. Hey, did you need a snack or anything? I mean, if you’re not going to be here for dinner….

Blondie: Dinner?

Me: yeah. I was just thinking, if you run away forever, you won’t be here for dinner.

Blondie: What are you having?

Me: Spaghetti, but don’t worry about it, I can pack you a few crackers or something, you know, if you want.

Blondie: Can I have snack here? Now?

Me: Of course!

Blondie: Ok, but then, probably after dinner, I’m running away forever!

The funny part was, that this conversation took over a half hour, and while she was having her snack, suddenly playdough looked very appealing to her.

Go figure.

Maybe she’ll run away tomorrow:)


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1 Response to Running Away!

  1. I love this – I can totally see it happening! You crack me up!

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