messy peace

It’s messy.

It’s so messy.

The news is messy.

Social media is messy.

People are messy.

The sun is shining.

The dirt is dark and warm.

My peas are popping out of the ground.

The irises are just peeking through the long green leaves

Plump buds and dark green leaves coat the roses

Lovely green runners emerge in the raspberries.

The birds sing and play comedically outside the kitchen window.

Living like they don’t care how messy it all is.

Like they don’t know about pain and viruses and divorce and war and social problems.

The clouds float lightly and lazily above the mess.

The aspen are waving at me like enthusiastic toddlers.

The sun shines brightly and warmly on the mess. It feels both strange and comforting .

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