A New Idea for the New Year

If you haven’t made any resolutions yet, don’t do it until you read this. If you have, please reconsider.

You know I am against resolutions. We all make the same 3 every year and then break them before January’s cold butt is even out of the door.

I have a new idea. I tried it last year and it was a game changer for me. I’m telling you, it was a winner!

Here it is. Instead of writing down all the ways you believe yourself to be failing life, try having a theme for the year! A word that will overarch your entire year. Something that will color every decision you make and day you live.

Last year, I had 3 words. I love alliteration, so they all started with P. There was a specific reason for each word.

They were Positive, Present, and Pay-It-Forward.

1. Positive. I needed more positivity in my life. I was starting to feel pretty negative and if you feel negativity, you attract that to your life. I want positive things in my life. I started following tons of positive pages on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. I bought a daily positive affirmation desk calendar. I made my vision board, filled with positive, fun things.

2. Present. A long time ago, a junior high school teacher told us that if we spent our lives wishing for some future event, we would miss our whole life. That really stuck with me, and I’ve tried not to be someone who always wishes it were Friday, or summer, or vacation or whatever. Lately, I’d had a hard time with that and so I decided to really be where I am. Really try to live in the moment I’m in, whether it’s Monday morning, or vacationing in Hawaii.

3. Pay-It-Forward. Over the years, people have been extremely generous to our family and to me specifically. I wanted to spend my year being generous to others. Giving whenever I had a little extra. I had the goal of doing it anonymously, and for the most part, that was the case.

I also had the goal to read Jesus the Christ, which I did.

So, I really made these words part of my life. It was amazing! They were just words, but they really made the difference.

This year, I have one phrase, and that is “All In”. There have been some areas in my life where I could be giving 100%, but have been vaccillating, waffling, and not really giving my best effort. Well, this is the year I go All In. I’m committing my self to 3 areas of my life.

A side note, because you may not realize this about me, but I believe the #3 is an auspicious number. I believe it to be good karma, good feng shui, and good luck. I try to use it a lot in my life.

So. I’m going to share my All-In’s with you.

1. All in with the Sabbath. I’ve been a little haphazard with my Sabbath Observance and I’d like to change that to a whole-hearted approach to observing this day the way I believe it should be observed.

2. All in with my health. I’ve been decidedly lackluster here. I want to make good decisions about my health. Positive changes, good choices.

3. All in with my marriage. I’ve let things slide, things like speaking kindly to my husband and not flipping him off behind his back. I think I’ve taken our marriage for granted, blithely assuming it will always be there and be fine. We are fine, but, am I truly All In? Am I really doing everything I can to love and respect my spouse?

So, there you have it. This is the the year I go All In.

Pick your word (s). Change your year.

Good luck, and stay away from the gym. It’s a freaking zoo over there.

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