In the past, many of my “how-to’s” have been less than helpful. Hopefully, this one is more helpful. Although, I have to say, if your life has sunk down to a place where a sock snowman can help you, you might want to call in a professional. Or, call me and I will tease you. 💚 I got the idea for sock snowmen by looking at pictures on Pinterest.
So, here’s how I made a sock snowman.
You will need:
A sock. I thought a nice, white bobby sock was the best choice. I sent someone to the store to get some, it turns out they do not have them at Shopko, but yes to Target.
Rice. About 2 cups per snowman. I tried fiberfill, but it’s too lightweight. The dang things just kept tipping over. I remembered how my girls used to make rice pillows to heat up in the microwave for heaven knows what reason, and I thought rice seemed like the best thing. And it was! I am wondering if beans would work. Maybe I’ll try it out, but they may be to lumpy.
Rubber bands. Now, if you run a daycare, you likely have 1000 rubber bands on hand. If not, come get some from me. You will need two for this.
Piece of fabric. I used a piece approximately 10-12″ long and 1″ wide. I used some leftover from some fat quarters I had, but I like the idea of fleece. It sounds cozy.
Something to make a face with. I used sharpies for mass production, but sewed on tiny beads for a special present.
I’m going to show you pictures, and hopefully you will get the idea.