I Refuse to Put Oranges in Stockings (the shocking reason…)

I’m looking for new ideas for stockings. I asked the internet, but, I gotta say, y’all are a little boring! 

Many years ago, we were talking to our kids about how they are allowed to open their stockings first thing on Christmas morning, but we want them to wait to open the presents as a family. One of the kids said, “Oh, the stockings! Blah, blah, blah. One orange, one apple some nuts and candy. Boring!”

That’s even I realized I wanted to step up my stocking game.

That year, I gave each of the kids 1 can each of canned fruit and vegetables. Instead of nuts, I put in Granola bars and instead of candy I put a box of their favorite cereal next to the sock. Then, I gave every single person (including me and Dad) a Nerf gun and a supply of darts.

A tradition was born. The next year I gave everyone a crazy vegetable or fruit we had never tried. We tried brussels sprouts, jicama, and rutabaga.

*as an aside, it is very difficult to get a fresh whole coconut into a sock. Also, the fresh pineapple was a no go, but parsnips and kohlrabi fit  beautifully*

As a present, I gave everyone a funny camping accessory we didn’t own. Tablecloth clips, soap on a rope, egg holders, fire pit popcorn maker, etc.

One year, I filled their socks full of socks. Sport socks, dress socks, hiking socks, tights for the girls.

I’ve given weird candies, strange produce, packages of food, etc.

We had an “accessory” theme year. All the girls got jewelry and hair things, the boys got watches, tie clips and belts.

We’ve had personal hygiene years. Everyone got all kids of exotic soaps, shaving creams and gels, and interesting lotions.

Last year, I gave everyone a small Lego set, with a sock full of  traditional candy.

I’m looking for new ideas this year,but my brain is broken, I think. Have I truly exhausted every good idea?

Is this the year I give up and hand out oranges and nuts in the shell?

Stay tuned.


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