Hello, everyone! Long time no blog! Well, Blair got home from Africa last Saturday night and we’ve been a little busy.
Hey! Now, now, get your mind out of the gutter! Just because he was gone for six weeks and we’re married and he is very very good looking….
Ok…..maybe I could see one mental moment in the gutter;) I mean, it WAS 6 weeks!
Anyway, I learned a lot in Blair’s absence.
* I learned that I can fix my own swamp cooler.
* I learned that I HATE fixing my own swamp cooler.
* I learned that I can put oil in the Jeep.
* I learned that if you don’t put the oil cap back on, your husband gets on your case.
* I learned I hate putting oil in that stupid Jeep.
* I learrned I sleep well in a queen sized bed alone.
* I learned I don’t get a lot of sleep when Blair is back in that bed after 6 weeks (*wink*)
* I learned that after 23 years, Blair is the other half of my brain.
* I learned I missed my brain.
Glad he’s back, I’ll post some pictures.
And now, a funny story for your enjoyment:
When I filled out Melinda’s FAFSA, I accidentally entered the wrong birth year in her birthdate.
She was born in 94, but I entered 96. FAFSA doesn’t like mistakes. They sent me a letter and an official fix-this-or-else form. I fixed the error and sent in the form. I received my confirmation email about a week later.
Imagine my surprise when Melinda and Blair went to the school and discovered she has NO
financial aid. I was full of righteous indignation! And irritation! And worry! I called FAFSA right
up to yell at them. They were helpful and courteous.
They very helpfully looked up my scanned document. And then, very courteously pointed out the place where I had entered Melinda’s birth year as: 91.