It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s My Husband Home Early!!

Last night I finished the shelves!! 

And thank goodness I did because my dear husband showed up ONE DAY EARLY!!  I was standing in the kitchen, eating a piece of chocolate and contemplating watching another episode of 30 Rock  (I know, that show is awful, but I love it and I can’t find old episodes of America’s Next Top Model, so it’s all I’ve got.)  Anyway, I was standing there at 10:30 when a truck pulled into my driveway. The backpackers returned! 

My first thought was, oh I’m so glad I skipped dinner and finished those shelves!  phew! I went to a lot of trouble to finish those things, but first things first.  I would like to thank Ana White ( for her wonderful laundry room shelf idea.  I do not personally know her, but she seems very handy.  I would also like to thank Jillian ( who told me about Ana White.  I do personally know Jillian, she is super awesome.  (rah! rah! rah!)  She made beds for her little girls using Ana’s plans. 

Anyway, like I was saying, to finish a project like this when you have 4 little girls and a tiny new baby you have to go to a lot of trouble.  For instance, you have to be willing to turn most of the care of your 2 month old over to your 5 year old.  You have to be willing to let your 8 year old make lunches.  You have to be willing to answer the phone and take messages while using a power drill.  You have to be willing to haul a screaming, tantrum throwing 2-year old through the hardware store more than once, and last but not least, you have to be willing to drive across town from store to store, finding the exactly right size and color of laundry baskets that are on sale. 

That said, here are the pictures of my project.

lumber cut, and all drilled together

Can I just say how much I love the color green?

So exciting! The first basket is in!  The end is in sight!


Hopefully these basket shelves will keep my laundry organized from now on.  Out of the dryer, straight to a basket, up the stairs to a bedroom, and no more stacks on the floor.  Super in theory and hopefully (cross fingers) in practice.  🙂


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2 Responses to It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s My Husband Home Early!!

  1. Jillian says:

    Oh…nice job! The green looks great.

  2. Kirstine Rash says:

    super cool. I love the basket idea!

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