In Between

I know a lot of other people have a lot going on right now. Busy, Busy, Busy.

Lynn is gone off to DI land and if her kiddos win again, as they are likely to do, she will be busy for months.

Maren is busy overcoming a horrid cough so she can enjoy Vegas.

Me?  I’m sort of “in between” projects at the moment.

No one is sick.  (knock on wood!)  The laundry is pretty much done.  (gasp!)  It’s not really my week for tons of carpool and I already finished a huge grocery shopping trip.

What’s a girl to do?  Well, I will tell you what I did.  It’s a little self indulgent and kinda lazy but, hey I’m “in between.”  I’ll be busy as a bee in a few days, maybe even in a few hours.  But this afternoon I took a few moments to chat on the phone with my amazing friend Jill and (even though we were taking about weight loss while I did this) I tried out a recipe for Microwave Brownie In A Mug.  (I only ate half of it, since we were talking about dieting, so that’s pretty good right?)

It was delicious and I highly recommend it for any “in between” moments you might find yourself in.

4 tbsp flour

4 tbsp sugar

2 tbsp cocoa

2 tbsp oil

2 tbsp water

dash of salt

mix really well and microwave for about a minute.  Enjoy!  (but maybe eat only half if you’re on the phone with your friend talking about dieting. . . .)


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