HS adventures and football

Mr 14’s fun high school folly of the week.  His older sis caught this one and shared it along with a friend of his.  Mr. 14 went straight from band to English.  He and his buddy were heading up the stairwell, laughing and talking–no problem.  His buddy turns to him and says something–his sis didn’t hear what.  At that point Mr. 14 leapt over the railing and sprinted through the crowded hallways back to the band room.  (Luckily he did not get a referral for running.)  His sis saw him about a minute later racing up the stairs with his backpack!  He had left it in band and hadn’t even noticed.  LOL


Football has begun..that makes us crazy busy!  Mr. 15 plays on the offensive line.  Miss 17 and Mr 14 play in the pep band at every game!  Let me just say sports parents are INSANE!  When their kids team is doing well, the coach is a genius and their boy is the next John Elway.  But when the chips are down suddenly that same coach is a dufus who shouldn’t be coaching.  Thankfully most still seem to think their child is likable even after a loss.

They are all expert refs with eagle eye vision!  They are sure that if their child was playing the team would be winning.  And if their child is playing–the coach just isn’t using their talent.

I am pretty realistic about my kiddos.  I love them to death but I try to be pretty honest about what they are good at.   Let me just be clear–I know that Mr. 15 is not the next John Elway.  He is a decent player and he is getting better.  He runs slower that some but he can hit pretty hard!   I do have to say I love the sound of the audible crunch or pop of the pads when my boy lays someone out!

Go High school football!

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