How to Answer Questions

In a previous post, I addressed the issue of questioning your adult children. Today, I am going to address the problem of answering Questions posed to yourself. As an adult, I have found that I am often asked Questions. As opposed to ordinary “questions”, Questions are often asked about life situations that are complicated and possibly not that fun to talk about.

Many times, Questions come from my peers, who know better and are trying to torture me. Other times, these Questions come from those who innocently believe that my life and the lives of my children are like other people’s lives, or, perhaps they do not know better, because their children are all two years old and their poor minds are past all reason.

Because I am who I am and life should be way more entertaining than most of us let it be, I have heard of and utilized a BRILLIANT way to answer these Questions. This method of answering manages to express both my personal feelings and thoughts about the question itself and the answer. It’s inclusive, forward thinking, confusing, and a good form of exercise. It also absolutely ensures the complete cessation of Question asking by the person who asked.

I have tried it in real life and I promise you, the results were spectacular.

What could this EXTRAORDINARY answer be, you are asking? What possible answer could be given to quell further inquiries?

Two words, my friend.

Interpretive Dance.

Once a person experiences the pageantry that is your response communicated via Interpretive Dance, you are guaranteed a reputation as a person who should not be asked questions.

For the first time ever

on this blog, I have created a video, on purpose, for you, with ME in it. I will be reenacting the answering of Questions using Interpretive Dance.

You are welcome.





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