Happy Birthdays and Mother’s Days

One of my favorite things about Mother’s Day is that I share it with two birthdays.  My very first Mother’s Day came just a few days after my precious oldest daughter was born.   Saturday that pretty little girl turned 11.


There has been nothing like watching her grow and learn.  She is smart and funny and (in my eyes) practically perfect.

Sunday we had another birthday- Crazy, sweet, endearing little Miss 4 turned 5.  We spoiled her rotten with Pokemon toys, a Pokemon piñata, and Pokeball cupcakes.  She was zooming around the patio with elation.


I love sharing Mother’s Day with these girls.  It makes me so happy to see them another unbelievable year older.

On past Mother’s Days, I have been guilty of feeling like perhaps I did not deserve the presents and adoration.  I am much too well acquainted with my own faults.   I’m sure there are a few of you out there that may have felt the same way.

This year I took a good look at my happy little birthday girls and I decided to be grateful. Grateful that my little girls are healthy and growing and lovely.  Grateful to be their mom. Grateful for the love we feel for each other.  Grateful for my own mother and sisters and friends who help me on the sometimes difficult and at times treacherous path of motherhood and life in general.

And grateful for the chance to spoil my little ones rotten and make them laugh and smile on their birthdays.  : )

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