Today I am having a problem. Actually, I’ve been having this problem for a few days now.
I have a giant to-do list. I need to clean the bathrooms. I need to vacuum. I need to fold and wash laundry. I need to finish digging out front yard flower beds. I need (and should want) to start sanding and fixing up the little desk that matches the furniture in Miss 9’s room and would look really cute in there.
The problem is I have an ever bigger don’t want to-do list. None of these chores appeal to me. I want to make the girls clean the bathrooms, skip vacuuming, make the girls share clothes until the last sock is gone, wait another year for front flower beds, and let the desk sit in the garage because really it’s not going anywhere right? . . . .
I read a book recently where the author talked about how some days you just soar. Some days you are on top of the world, flying high, accomplishing everything, succeeding at everything. And then sometimes you have to come back down to earth and land.
I am pretty sure I have landed. I have landed right on my chair, with a good book in my hand.
That author should be glad you landed, or else you wouldn’t have read their book. I’ve always wondered about self-help authors…do they want their readers to be successful? If you are, do you still need their book? Will there ever be a reason to write another if the first one works?
That’s a funny train of thought, isn’t it. Actually I don’t read self help books. This was a “reflections on a year” type of book that I read part of for book club.