Today, at about 6:30am, I sat down to write this post. I had an idea, I had the laptop, I was set to go. My 11 yr old son came up the stairs and asked if I would make pancakes using our newly collected (from our own chickens) eggs. Of course I would! I jumped up and made pancakes.
6:45am: ( i am a very fast pancake maker) Back at the computer, when my family shows up and announces they are ready for family scripture reading and prayer.
7:00am (we are very fast readers and pray-ers): Back at the computer when my 15 yr old daughter comes in and announces she is distraught over what she perceives as the ‘yucky fluffiness’ of her hair. I jump up and help her smooth her hair. Then I notice the 5 yr old we lovingly refer to as ‘Nearly Naked Nick’ who is, in fact, nearly naked. He has removed his jammies, had his breakfast, and is now enjoying some ‘free’ time. The kid needs some underpants! I race to the laundry room and grab the necessary items to dress him and his older brother. Back up the stairs where both boys are dressed by me.
7:02am (just kidding! I’m not THAT fast:)) It was actually more like:
7:45am: Sit down in my chair and open the laptop, log in, hear doorbell. The first of the daycare babies is here. This is followed by getting Dan (11 yr old), his friend, and Blair (drives them to school and runs errands) out the door. Then Nick’s bus is here and we get him moving.
8:20am: Back at laptop. I have no idea what my original idea was…and I find myself staring off into space…or rather at the couch. Which I suddenly hate. Man, I don’t like that couch anymore. I need a new couch. I promptly forget about the post and started shopping for couches online. While I’m looking for a new sofa, the doorbell rings. Second daycare kid has arrives. And she wants breakfast. When daycare baby sees 3 yr old girl having breakfast, she wants some too.
8:45am: Tim’s bus comes so I load him on.
It is now 9:20am. I guess my post is on being distracted…I did not find a couch, but I did order an new music album from Amazon!:)
And you *did* make time for a friend. Thanks for that! 🙂