decorating fun!

Christmas is upon us, it’s true…but I am looking over my bedroom and thinking:


The walls in my room are gray, and there is a beautiful  swoopy silver wallpaper border at the top of the wall.  The bedframe is black metal, with a matching swoopy pattern. The curtains WERE red. Dark red. With a white drapey thing over the top of the rod. Nice, except for the fact that I am sick to death of red.  I repainted the kitchen to get rid of red, and now I’m ridding the bedroom of red.

I’m going to blue. Blue is peaceful, calming and lovely.

I think I’ve noticed that at different times of my life I need different colors around me. I usually need some yellow, which is my favorite color, but lately even that color has taken somewhat of a backseat to my need for calmer colors. Blues, browns, greens…I think it’s the teenagers.

When you have toddlers, and babies, you never sleep and they take so much out of you that you need things around you to wake you up-like caffeine, and bright colors.

When you have teenagers, especially girls, I think, you need calming things. For you AND them. I still keep my caffeine, because I still don’t get any sleep.  Teen girls talk a lot, and need a lot of emotional support. Their favorite time to talk appears to be right when I am getting ready to go to bed. The girls love to pile onto my bed and chat their heads off. Which of course I want them to do, in the interest of mom/daughter relationship and the fact that teen girl brains are a mess that benefits from the occasional cleaning out. Which happens when they talk.

Back to the bedroom. Now the curtains are blue. I kept the white drapey things, they look good. We got some blue pillow cases and are currently looking for a blue decorative pillow. I switched out our lamp shades, and got a fabulous idea for decorative wall crapola from a friend (Thanks B!).

AND I’m crocheting a bedspread to match the whole freaking thing.

AND it has been SO cheap! The curtains came in a two-panel-pack for only 10 bucks and the lamp shades were 5 dollars each The pillow cases were cheap, and since we’re not painting or re-buying a comforter/sheet/pillow operation, the cost is kept Wery Low.


Plus, given how RED RED RED Christmas is in the living room, it’s lovely to have a quiet, calm room to hide in when the whole thing gets to be too much…

until the girls find me, that is.

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3 Responses to decorating fun!

  1. Melody says:

    I read somewhere (probably somewhere you recommended 🙂 that one should keep their bedroom a neutral, earthy color & to keep out energizing colors, green plants, etc. So, that’s what I do. Tan bedspread & very calming, low energy pics (NO FAMILY PICS!! I gave those up when I dreamt that the wall that I had the kids’ pics on were pushing out vines that were going to kill me!)

    I hope that you LOVE your new bedroom 🙂

  2. Charleen Jackson says:

    It sounds very lovely. I hope you have lots of nice quiet time in it.

  3. Like this post very much! My trim and such are painted blue on my house for a reason. 🙂 I will enlist your great mind when I get ready to change my room around. That’s after I find my brain after it’s been used by my four girls. 🙂


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